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laugh in one’s beard
偷笑  detail>>
shave off one’s beard
刮胡子  detail>>
cry one moment and laugh the next
哭哭笑笑  detail>>
laugh on the wrong side of one’s mouth
转喜为忧  detail>>
make one laugh out loud
可发一噱  detail>>
 n.  1.(下巴上的)胡子。 2.【虫类】口鬃;【动物;动物学】颌毛。 3.(牡蛎等的)鳃。 4.【植物;植物学】芒。 5.(...  detail>>
no beard
没有胡子  detail>>
) laugh at
嘲笑,讥笑  detail>>
a laugh
一阵笑声  detail>>
 n.  1.笑,笑声。 2.令人发笑的事。 3. 嘲笑,取乐。   短语和例子   〔pl.〕玩笑...  detail>>
laugh at
嘲笑, 漠视, 因...发笑 取笑,笑话某人 笑话;取笑(某人) 因...而笑,嘲笑 因……发笑;嘲笑某人 因…而笑  detail>>
哄笑示威  detail>>
on the laugh
笑着  detail>>
to laugh
去大笑  detail>>
beard; beard hair
髯毛  detail>>
laugh a hearty laugh
放声大笑,开怀大笑 开怀大笑  detail>>
laugh and laugh happily
高兴得笑了又笑  detail>>
a grey beard
苍髯  detail>>